Capstone project samples

Our societies need creative interdisciplinary thinkers to design ways of reaching out to get people thinking and talking in their communities about how developments in medicine impact them, their values, and the people they care about. Below are some sample projects by students at The Rivers School, MA, USA. We would love to include your projects too! Contact us here.

Meghan Kerfoot: Allocation of Ventilators During the COVID Pandemic (Google Form)

Phil Tresca: Women’s Hockey Concussions (Instagram)

Sam Waller: NFL Coaching & Diversity (Twitter, slides)

Lindsey Perko: Medical Aid in Dying (pamphlet)

Annabelle Hasselbeck: Human Trafficking (slides)

Thabi Khumalo: Family caregiving (song, commentary)

Will Hewitt & Jack Shaughnessy: Life support (sculpture, commentary)

Julie Gallotto: Concussions in soccer (pamphlet)

Ashley Burgarella: Aesthetic plastic surgery (musicscore, and commentary)

Emma Foley: Palliative care (poem, slides)

Parker Weil: Social Impact of AI (slides)

Bryan Cleveland & Brendon Argueta: Opiates (video)

David Alelyunas: Organ donation (digital art) 

Caroline Phelps: Maternal-fetal conflict (slidesart, and commentary)

Georgia Freeland: Presumed consent (petition and video)

Braden Sheinkopf: Human enhancement technology (slides)

Lindsey Ades & Melissa Maffeo: Organ Donation (video)

Ani Harlan & Emily Treveloni: Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (pamphlet)

Matt Treveloni: Organ donation (digital art)

Andrew Ciampa, Ben Puritz, & Robert Gallo: Concussions (slides)

Jess Mulder and Alexa Cornetta: CTE (slides and art) here and here

Charles Leslie and Isabel Hardy: Medical deserts (slides and website)

Tyler Capello: SIS and CTE: (video)