Bioethics Club introduced to all students who may be interested. Optional “summer reading” introduced (e.g., The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks).
Fall – Winter
Club begins weekly meetings (30-60 mins) discussing weekly topics (e.g., vaccination policy, organ donation, gene-editing, physician aid in dying). Club explores bioethical concepts (justice, autonomy, beneficence) and the “four questions,” embracing open-ended, collaborative discussion style. Later in fall, facilitator encourages club members’ consideration of bioethical outreach project or research topics, followed by introduction to research skills if necessary. Meetings to be student centered, supporting student interest and respectful, open discussion.
If possible, introductory fall meeting between Bioethics Club members and Bioethics Masters students or other suitable mentors from related fields/non-profits in the community. By November interested members to pick, through consultation with facilitator, outreach project or research topic to explore.
Facilitator to support students in developing community outreach efforts, exploring outreach projects beyond the school context and collaborating with non-profits (e.g., Community Ethics Committee) where possible.
For members pursuing research, literature surveys begin. Independent reading overseen by facilitator using research resources at bioethicsclub.org, supported through email contact with external mentor if available.
Club member capstone presentations, both at school and beyond if possible (e.g., community meetings). Members promote bioethical thinking and community engagement to the school community.
Members’ efforts celebrated, published on school website and social media, and shared with relevant non-profits, medical schools, and community groups.
Here is a more detailed breakdown of the school year by weekly topic:
September – October: What is bioethics? How does one learn about bioethics? Methods (the “four questions”), concepts, discussion guidelines. Exploring some bioethics topics (e.g., vaccination, transplantation & organ donation, gender ambiguity, physician aid-in-dying) and concepts (autonomy, beneficence & non-maleficence, justice).
Wednesday 11/10: provisional bioethical capstone topic ideas, seek feedback from facilitator, science faculty, mentors, others.
Thursday 11/18: club facilitator and members meet bioethics mentors (e.g., medical school Masters students, non-profit leaders) if available
Wednesday 12/1: final capstone topic selection
Wednesday 12/8: club members contact mentors for topic exploration ideas.
Wednesday 1/12: literature survey and research question due (for members conducting research), mentor feedback.
Tuesday 1/23: for members pursuing research, outline and thesis statement
Tuesday 2/27: 1st draft + works cited for all outreach projects/research, shared at club meetings, facilitator and mentor feedback
possible joint sessions with Debate, Ethics Bowl, Model UN, Philosophy Club, or GSA to share thoughts on topics of mutual interest: e.g., social determinants of health, race and healthcare, ethical relativism, abortion access, AI and bioethics.
Tuesday 4/2: outreach project or research paper draft II, mentor feedback
Week of 4/8 – 4/12: assemblies and homerooms to introduce Bioethics Club to prospective new members
Week of 4/22 – 4/26: final version of capstone projects completed, shared with school community, local non profits (e.g., Community Ethics Committee), and local medical school if possible.
Tuesday 5/14: ‘transition’ meeting to introduce new bioethics club members
Publicizing Bioethics Club and sharing member projects!